Becoming Certified

VEO Ophthalmics offers a free two-part Training Program and self certification for US surgeons to become certified to implant the CUSTOMFLEX® ARTIFICIALIRIS.

The Training Program consists of:

  • Informative online course describing the CUSTOMFLEX® ARTIFICIALIRIS device and implantation procedure, including didactic slides and surgical videos.

  • Dry Lab module, allowing you to practice the different implantation techniques in your own surgical environment.

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Ordering Process

The CUSTOMFLEX® ARTIFICIALIRIS is custom made to each individual order. The production time is 8-10 weeks, which includes the order processing, manufacturing, packaging, sterilizing, and delivery to your surgical facility.

Orders will include the following:

  • Completed order form

  • Photos (per directives)

  • Payment (or PO)

    • Check out reimbursement info here.

To place an order, the above items should be mailed to; 10184 International Blvd, West Chester, OH 45246


The CUSTOMFLEX® ARTIFICIALIRIS is custom made to match the specified iris color based on the photo prints submitted. Because of this, it is critical that the coloring be correct. Use the link to obtain the photo directives that must be followed when ordering the CUSTOMFLEX® ARTIFICIALIRIS.
